Egg Rice (tamago gohan)

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Next level comfort food, great for cold mornings, when you’re sick, or late late nights. Its a dish you make one at a time, you probably can find some instructions on how to make a bigger batch, but I get the sense it’s not that kind of dish.


  • HOT rice (does not have to be fresh, in fact I mostly make this with leftover rice, it does need to be screaming hot)
  • 1 egg, whisked
  • dash of soy sauce
  • furikake to taste (I omit, but its traditional)
  • 1 yolk (optional for the decadent edition)
  • other customizations (I have used a bit of fine chopped green onion, a dash of sesame oil, sriracha etc..)


  1. Exactly how much rice you need is a bit hard to describe. In part becuase it depends on how big your egg is, and how runny you want the final product. About 1 cup normally work pretty well for me.
  2. Whisk together you liquid first, for me this normally means the egg, a dash of soy sauce, a dash of salt, and a dash of sesame oil.
  3. Get your liquid and chop stick for mixing ready.
  4. If you are using leftover rice, I microwave it until its super hot.
  5. Remove from the microwave and immediately add your liquid, and whisk with your chop stick until the it gets nice and foamy. Then mix for 30 seconds long, and check your seasons.
  6. Thats it! Eat it now!
  7. Decadent edition: add a raw yoke to the top after you’re done whisking.

Tip: The more you whisk the egg mix and hot rice together the foamier/frothier it gets, but balance this with eating when its still hot. I would not mix for more than a minute or so.

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