Stuffed Shells


Stuffed Shells


This is a HALF recipe, makes about 2 andrew portions. The whole the recipe serves 4-5- just double everything.

1/2 box of boiled large pasta shells
1 jar of tomato/spaghetti sauce
1/2 lb ground beef or turkey
1 sm onion chopped (about 1/2 c.)
1/2 c. mayo (Hellmann’s please)
1/2 c. cottage cheese
1 tsp of italian seasoning (herb mixture)
1/2 c shredded mozzerella cheese

Start the water boiling and add 1 T of salt to the water. Add the shells when boiling.
Preheat the oven to 350.
Brown the beef and onions in a skillet and let them cool a bit. Mix with cheeses, mayo, and the italian seasoning. Add salt to taste.
Put some sauce in the bottom of a glass baking dish (thin coating of sauce so the shells don’t stick).
Stuff each shell and lay into the dish.

cover with the rest of the tomato sauce (1/2 to 3/4 of the jar).
sprinkle a little mozz cheese on the top.

Cover with aluminum foil for the first 30 minutes or so.
Bake at 350 until the sauce in the middle is bubbly, about 35-45 minutes.

Photo Dec 15, 6 12 43 PM.jpg
Photo Dec 15, 6 26 16 PM.jpg
Photo Dec 15, 6 26 01 PM.jpg
Photo Dec 15, 6 29 35 PM.jpg
Photo Dec 15, 7 10 21 PM.jpg


Quick(er) “stuffed shells”

Not quite as wonderful as “real” stuffed shells by very tasty and a little less work on a cold evening when you are hungry!

Also I would not use a lot MORE feta then listed here, it wasn’t over powering but the flavor did come through fairly strong.

1/2 lb of ground turkey
1 small onion
1.5 T garlic
1/2 C mayo
1/2 C cottage cheese
italian seasonings
Some cheese (this is just what I used because this is all I had!)
1/4 cup mozzarella
1/3 cup feta
1/2 cup cheddar
4 gloves of roasted garlic (again just because I had some)
1/4 lb of dry penne
Jar of tomato sauce

Preheat the oven to 350. Brown the turkey, onions, and garlic. Begin cooking your pasta. While both are cooking combine the rest of the ingredients except the tomato sauce in a large bowl. Once the turkey mix and pasta are done and not piping hot anymore mix everything together in the bowl and add enough red sauce so that you like it. Mine was a bit orange, see picture. Then bake everything until it is bubbling in the middle. I also cooked it with some aluminum foil on it for the first 2/3 of its time. Maybe 30 min?

Photo Oct 05, 7 50 20 PM.jpg


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