


3 C cold riced russet potatoes3 C flour1/4 C butter1 t sugar1/4 C cream1 t salt

Boil the potatoes then chill them until cold.Mix with flour, add other ingredients and let rest for 30 minutes to 2 hours wrapped in plasticHave plenty of flour for rolling the lefse out.Break into 12 equal pieces and roll out each piece as thin as possible.
Bake dry on hot electric skillet. Keep cooked lefse in between two damp kitchen towels to keep moist while you are cooking the rest of the lefse.
So for Aunt Beth and Uncle Steve and Cousin Jenni: boil the peeled potatoes and smash them with a masher when they have been drained and are cold.(do not make mashed potatoes, just mash ’em) melt the butter in the micro, add sugar and salt, pour into flour and potatoes, then add the cream,
mash with your hands until smooth, roll into a “log” and wrap in plastic wrap and into reefer for a couple hours until cold again.Photo Nov 22, 4 12 25 PM.jpg
Photo Nov 22, 4 12 30 PM.jpg

Photo Nov 22, 4 12 36 PM.jpg


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