Chicken Pie


Chicken Pie

3 cups of chopped cooked chicken
1 stick of butter
2 celery rib
2/3 of a carrot
1 small onion
3 scallions
2 cloves of garlic
1/3 C flour
1 can of evaporate milk
2 C of chicken broth
1 T grated lemon zest (roughly two lemons worth)
1 pie crust and pie top
3/4 C shredded sharp cheddar cheese

Chop the celery, onion, carrot, and scallions and saute them in butter. Then add the garlic and the flour and cook until it browns just slightly. Then add them milk, broth and lemon zest. Simmer until it starts to form a gravy. Turn it off and add the chicken and green parts of the scallions to the mix. Fill the pie crust with this mix. Then top with the cheese and put the top of the pic crust on. Pinch it closed around the edges and cut a few slits.

Bake at 350 for 45-55 minutes.


Photo Jan 04, 4 39 38 PM.jpg
Photo Jan 04, 5 55 02 PM.jpg
Photo Jan 04, 6 11 10 PM.jpg


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