Altar Bread


Altar Bread
MAKES 12 Six-Inch RoundsWhole Wheat Altar Bread.

1 3/4c warm tap water (about 109 deg F)
Pinch of sugar
3T vegetable oil
4t dried yeast
6T honey
1t salt
1 1/3c whole wheat flour
4c white bread flour

Yeast, pinch of sugar, water into a bowl to proof.

Mix salt, and whole wheat flour into mixer bowl. Add Water, Oil, and Honey. Combine and beat on medium speed, 2minutes.

Lower speed, slowly add 3 cups bread flour. Reserve 4th cup. Get into a rough dough.

Turn out dough and hand knead in the 4th cup of bread flour for 7 minutes. Dough should smooth, elatics and easy to handle.

Rise in warm, draft free place for 1 hour, until doubled in size. Punch down, knead for 1 minute.

Preheat oven to 375.

Divide dough in two parts. Form 6 small balls of dough with one part. Repeat with second part, to end up with 12 small balls of dough. Don’t forget to slash a cross in the top of each dough round. Let rise 20 min or until smooth

Flatten each ball into a circle, 1/2″ thick, 4-6″ inches across. Place each disk on a oiled baking sheet.

Bake for 15-20 minutes, until medium brown on bottom. When baked, cool on wire racks. Once cool, wrap tightly in aluminum foil.


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