2 Ingredient Pancakes


2 Ingredient Pancakes

These really taste like pancakes? Sorta, more like a crepe. They don’t taste like eggs? surprisingly no!

Very healthy and very filling!

2-3 egg whites (can add in a yolk if you would like)
1 smashed banana
a dash of cinnamon (yes I know this is a third ingredient)

Whisk together and treat like pancake mix! Make them small because they don’t fluff up too much and they are a little hard to flip. 2-3 inch diameter.

Serve with a fruit topping to complete your healthy breakfast or syrup and butter if you arn’t interested in the health stuff 🙂


Photo May 07, 8 27 06 AM.jpg
Photo May 07, 8 25 40 AM (1).jpg


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